Our exciting “Boost your Career” masterclasses have been created to ensure the transition from early careers programme to work is as successful as possible.

After years of working closely with early career cohorts we know this can be extremely challenging and daunting time for some as well as exciting with so many opportunities to be had.

With this in mind we have put together a package of learning and support which will help retain the best talent and see them thrive.

Contact us to find out more


“Boost your influence and impact” This masterclass will help you to be more effective and productive by skilfully getting your ideas across to others and getting things done.

• Who should you be influencing  - identify the key people who you need to influence

• Explore influencing techniques and styles and find the best fit for you

• Understand the psychology and practice of storytelling and how this can be a powerful influencing technique

• Understand how to create a great first impression in interviews and key meetings

“Boost your Strengths, Values and Goals” This Masterclass will use the “viacharacter strengths finder” questionnaire to explore your character strengths and look at how these, aligned to your values can help you to achieve great career goals

  • Understand your character strengths and explore how to use these to support your career.

  • Learn why playing to your strengths is more important than improving your weaknesses.

  • Explore the core values that drive you e.g. having an impact on others and how these can drive your career direction

  • Create a career plan that plays to your strengths and values

“Boost your personal brand and networking” masterclass helps participants to build their brand and why this is important for business success

• Explore what we mean by personal brand

• Look at the different elements of building a brand using the 4 S model

• Create your personal “story” that can help you build your impact

• The concept of personal branding and why it is important to bring your whole self to work.

• How to develop the 5 Elements of your personal brand and how this can have a positive impact on your career.

• How networking can build your brand – top tips to be a great networker

“High Performance Habits” masterclass will help participants boost their performance every day

•Learn about positive psychology and positive psychology techniques and how these can boost perfromance every day

•Gain practical skills and tools to boost wellbeing including practicing gratitude, check ins and mindfulness to help you to Flourish at work

•Create a more positive relationship with       technology for healthy high performance

•Understand the energy management model

•Explore how to improve diet, activity, sleep and hydration for immediate results

•How to build healthy routines in your day and create new habits

“Boost your support network” masterclass will help participants to explore how to create a support network that can help them to achieve their career goals. We will help participants to consider who should be in their network and how to build

•Why a support network is crucial for success and who should be in your network  - we look at the potential constituents of your network e.g.  mentors, coaches, peers friends and family

•Understand a networking model that you can easily follow to ensure that progression and success

•Understand and be able to successfully implement a range of networking skills for both online and in person events so you feel more confident to represent yourself and the company you work for.

Boost your resilience and make stress your friend” masterclass explores how changes to boost your resilience to take on the challenges.

• Understand what is meant by resilience and why it is important

 • Explore the four levers of resilience and what they mean for you

• Look at how to develop a growth mindset and be more optimistic

 • Explore what is stress and how it can be used to elevate performance but also be managed when it becomes   overwhelming

 • Learn stress busters and tools to build stress tolerance